PC D230A101 3BHE022291R0101高性能控制器AC 800PEC
PC D230A101 3BHE022291R0101高性能控制器AC 800PEC
AC 800PEC高性能控制系统,适用于大功率整流器应用
High-performance applications with extremely fast control algorithms – cycle times that range from 100 μs (microseconds) for fast control loops to seconds for long-term operational transients – require specialized control devices.
AC 800PEC控制器的硬件包括基本单元AC 800PEC BP(背板带用于安装处理器、电源供应以及光学和通信模块)以及处理器模块AC 800PEC CPU。这些模块共同提供了强大的处理能力,使得AC 800PEC能够在高速控制要求下稳定运行。
此外,AC 800PEC还具有健壮、灵活的结构和集成标准通信的特点,可以与现有的DCS系统(分布式控制系统)和PLC系统(可编程逻辑控制器)集成,实现高度可靠的控制系统。AC800PEC软件还提供了丰富的函数库和模块,用于构建复杂的控制系统,包括各种数学运算、逻辑判断和通信功能。
PC D230A101 3BHE022291R0101高性能控制器AC 800PEC
ABB AC 800PEC PP D113 高性能控制器
PP D113 B01-10-150000/3BHE023784R1023
PP D113 B03-26-100110/3BHE023584R2634
PP D113 B03-23-111615/3BHE023584R2365
PP D113 B03-26-100100/3BHE023584R2625
PP D115 A102/3BHE017628R0102
PP D512 A10-15000/3BHE040375R1023
The AC 800PEC has a unique combination of features for demanding applications:
• Short cycle times, down to 100 μs
• High processing power
• Fast communication and I/O via optical links
• Programming tools:
- System engineering with IEC61131-3 languages using ABB’s Control Builder, both Compact and Professional versions available
- Product and control development using MATLAB®/Simulink® for model-based design, easily bridging the gap from simulation to
• Full integration into ABB Ability™ System 800xA
• Innovative and flexible use of FPGAs to include protocols and application functionality in the devices without creating additional processor load
• Optical communication
• Industrial grade hardware with no moving parts
• Long life cycle, easy upgrading
• Robust reliance file system, insusceptible post power loss